We had a wonderful, long Thanksgiving weekend. As I was driving home from cleaning 2 houses on Wednesday, I was pulled over for speeding about a half a mile from home. I was so tired and thinking there goes the money I made today. I'm SOoo thankful to say the policeman let me go, telling me to slow down.
We had lunch on Thanksgiving Day at my niece's home. All of Lewis' brothers and sisters and his mother were there along with their families. Lots of good fun, food and fellowship. Sabbath, we had lunch at our home with all our sons, their wives and children, our nephew, Beau and our daughter-in-law, Bonnie's dad, sister, and brother.
Sunday, we went to the flea market, then to pick up some furniture to sell at the flea market later, back home to work around home - cutting wood, washing clothes, washing dishes. Then we sat down to rest and watch a good movie, "Karate Kid".
Today, it's back to the weekly routine for Lewis and Matthew. I got to stay home today and draw on a canvas to get it ready to paint.