Beautiful trees in Tennessee

Beautiful trees in Tennessee

Monday, September 7, 2009

I've just started my blog. Learning as I go. I love to learn new things. I love to worship my God and enjoy His creation, especially my family. My wonderful husband, my three handsome sons, my two beautiful daughters-in-law, my two grandsons who are such blessings.

I have a lot of dreams and I've had a lot of them come true. A blessed marriage, good health, a comfortable home, a wonderful family. Now that my sons are grown and Lewis and I are 50 plus, I think there's something else out there for us to do besides just working. I want to do something I enjoy and something I can share with others.

I want to paint more, cook more, and share the stuff I've learned with the younger women like Paul says in his letter to Titus, chapter 2, verses 3 -5.

I want to start a Bible study, have a cooking class and maybe an art class.


  1. What a great idea! You should visit my blog as well. More pictures of the kids on there. =) Not very updated though. Haha!

  2. Happy Birthday Linda! I like your blog, and will keep updated, what a great way to stay connected, love, Carmen
