Beautiful trees in Tennessee

Beautiful trees in Tennessee

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Midday Connection

I listened to a really good radio program Friday, Midday Connection. It comes on 88.9 FM at 1 PM weekdays in the Chattanooga, TN area. On this program, Jane Rubietta talked about going on a word fast. A word fast is fasting from so many words we listen to every day and trying to focus on hearing words from God. Fasting from reading blogs, Facebook, magazines, books, e-mails, tv, news, etc. and reading only God's word. Maybe just a few verses in a passage. Dwelling on it. Not moving on until you understand what God is trying to tell you. I started today. So far, I haven't read any blogs, books, magazines. I have read my Bible. 3 times today so far. I've got such a habit, though of sitting down with my husband and watching the news and veging out for several hours before heading to bed. I do enjoy spending time with Lewis, but I think sitting in front of the TV is a waste of time when there's so much more worthwhile to do. So, I'm going for it. We'll see how it goes.

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